Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

venae perforantes (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema venosum Short Extended
Level 3 venae membri inferioris (par) Short Extended
Current level venae perforantes (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
70922 4803 tax
venae perforantes (par)
veines perforantes (paire)
327230 15838 tax
venae perforantes gluteales (par)
veines perforantes glutéales (paire)
15839 tax
venae perforantes femorales (par)
veines perforantes de la cuisse (paire)
15840 tax
venae perforantes genus (par)
veines perforantes du genou (paire)
44961 15589 tax
venae perforantes cruris (par)
veines perforantes du pédoncule (paire)
15841 tax
venae perforantes tarsales (par)
veines perforantes tarsiennes (paire)
15842 tax
venae perforantes pedis (par)
veines perforantes du pied (paire)
7 lines
0.0 %
0.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
It has been suggested to separate the perforating veins. For further subdivision, see Caggiati et al. (2002) J Vasc Surg 36:416-422; Caggiati et al. 2005 J Vasc Surg 41:719-724).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4803
Number of children 20 (validated)
Number of units 7 (validated)
Signature 19517 (validated since 21.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025